Technology for Carbon Reporting in ESG

I’ll confess, I’m a tech nerd. I love technology. I particularly love technology that makes repetitive and mundane tasks quicker and easier. It’s even better when it automatically does the hard work. Eliminating spreadsheets and printing reports ticks the sustainability box too.

As a result, I’m perpetually on the lookout for new tech that will help my clients work easier. So, I’m super excited with the plethora of available carbon reporting systems with new ones popping up almost daily.

Whilst the choice is marvellous, what’s not so great is working out which system is best suited to any particular business.

There are systems which focus on:

  • Specific industries

  • Calculations for specific emissions

  • Providing educational resources

  • Using AI to completely automate the processing

  • Allowing specific efficiency factors to be used based on supplier data

  • Providing really cool reporting

  • Wholistic ESG reporting

  • Certification within the system

Suggestions on how to choose a carbon reporting solution.

  1. Check with your industry association. There are a number that have developed solutions specifically for their members.

  2. Ensure the solution integrates seamlessly with your accounting system.

  3. Find out how long the system has been in operation and ask for a few people who are using it to talk to and get their feedback on how the system has been working for them.

  4. Look at the pricing. Keep in mind the saying “you get what you pay for”. The most expensive solution doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best, but it may mean you’re getting more included in the system, saving you money elsewhere.

  5. Seek expert advice.

  6. Run a trial to determine whether the system is easy to work with.

Whatever solution you ultimately decide upon it will provide the data you need to report on ESG, carbon reporting and your sustainability initiatives. Over time you may consider changing if reporting requirements change.

We are proud to advise that this article was written by the team and not produced by AI.


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