The Clock Is Ticking For The Start of Mandated Climate-Based Reporting

In just three months, climate-based reporting will be required for some companies in Australia and it will impact medium sized companies. 

Does your business supply to large corporations? Are you a freight company, manufacturer, or primary producer? Do you supply to hotels, mining companies or banks?

If the answer is yes, you need to start working on your climate-based reporting now as your customers or clients will be asking for the data before you know it. Not only will they be asking for the data, they will be asking what you are doing to improve the numbers to attain carbon net zero emissions in your business.

Preparing an initial carbon baseline report requires understanding the legislation and requirements, capturing the data and undertaking the analysis. It will take time to produce. 

Now is the time to take action so that you have this reporting embedded into your systems and have identified strategies to reduce carbon emissions and a roadmap to get to carbon net zero over time.

There are two alternative courses of action. The first is to employ consultants to work with you to prepare the reports for you (and we can help with that). The second is to learn what you need to do to prepare the information internally in your business in this way empowering and engaging your team to embed process changes and efficiencies which will not only reduce carbon emissions but also reduce costs and improve profitability and cashflow.

To find out more register for our upcoming FREE 2-hour webinar here.


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